Offshore-Fx Limited will do every thing in its power to provide and up date its information concerning the policies and regulations of the various jurisdictions that we offer, none the less, while we try to present accurate information at all times we cannot be held responsible for any errors or changes which may take place from time to time and which may cause loss or inconvenience.
This service we provide is for the sole purpose of conducting legitimate business or other activities in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction. Offshore-Fx Limited will not be held responsible for any illegal activity for which companies incorporated by it may be used. Further, the sites service providers, authors, editors, publishers or any person involved in the creation and maintenance of this site are held harmless for any damages which a client may incur.
Offshore-Fx Limited is not obliged to provide its service for the published price at any time and maintains the right to change prices at any time and without prior notice.